Dear All,

It’s our great pleasure to cordially invite you to the 13th International Conference on Systems Biology of Human Disease 2021.

In accordance to the circumstances the conference will be held in hybrid mode. For those of you, who are not able to attend personally, we offer a reduced online participation fee.

The conference will take place from July 5-7 at the Kaiserin Friedrich-Haus in Berlin.

We look forward to an exciting program with a particular focus on:

  • Single cell applications in health and disease
  • Machine learning based models
  • Multidimensional data from population cohorts
  • From clinical trials to real world evidence

Registration open at

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Berlin!

Best regards on behalf of the organizing committee,

Franziska Müller


Berlin Institute of Health (BIH) | CHARITÉ – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
BIH Center for Digital Health – Prof. Roland Eils
Project Management

Kapelle-Ufer-2 | 10117 Berlin

Tel: +49 30 450 543085


Elisa Domínguez Hüttinger

Elisa Domínguez Hüttinger

I am passionate about studying developmental and pathological processes from a systems biology perspective. Since my undergraduate studies, I became interested in understanding how physiological phenotypic transformations of cells and tissues emerge naturally from complex interplays between metabolites, signaling molecules, transcription factors and microenvironments, and how alterations of these regulatory networks by genetic and environmental factors result in the onset and progression of complex diseases. To tackle these questions, I use a systems biology approach which combines experimental, mathematical and computational approaches to study biological systems from a quantitative, integrative and dynamical perspective. In collaboration with clinical and experimental research groups, I have developed mathematical models that represent the regulatory networks controlling tissue function, validated and calibrated these models with experimental data from the literature and from collaborators, and systematically evaluated the effects of different risk factors and treatments on the disease onset and progression. With this integrative and multi-disciplinary approach, we have uncovered mechanisms underlying the onset and progression of complex diseases, dissected the role of different risk factors, alone or in combination, in the pathogenic process, validated strategies for prevention of disease progression, and designed, optimized and personalized treatment strategies.

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