Investigación en curso

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A double-switch network motif to reproduce slow and history-dependent phenotypic transitions.

A mathematical model of Stat3- signalling in the context of ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease.

A hybrid mathematical mode of tamoxifen resistance cells predicts optimal treatment scheduling

Colaboradora experimental: Dra. Mariko Okada (Universidad de Osaka)

Estudiantes: Abihail Roque Ramírez (Lic. en Física Biomédica, UNAM)

A multi-scale model to understand the mechanisms of epidermal self-restoring capacity

Colaboradora teórica:  Dra. Reiko J Tanaka (Imperial College London).

Colaboradora experimental: Dra. Mariko Okada (Universidad de Osaka)


A multi-scale mathematical model predicts mechanisms of tuberculosis progression.

Early warning signals of a hybrid model predict the onset and remission of atopic dermatitis

Colaboradores teóricos: Dra. Reiko J Tanaka (Imperial College London) y Dr. Gouhei Tanaka (Universidad de Tokio)

An Experimentally Validated Mathematical Model For ROS-mediated Cell Differentiation

Analysing the robustness of the epithelial phenotype in response to pro-fibrotic perturbations

Colaboradores experimentales: Dr. Mathieu Hautefeuille (F. Ciencias), Dra. Marina Macías-Silva (IFC).

A multi-scale mathematical model of the host-microbiome interactions predicts mechanisms of dysbiosis

Within host model of covid dynamics: A theoretical framework for patient stratification

Colaboradoras: Yalbi Balderas, Mariana Esther Martínez (INER)

Estudiante: Rebeca Pacheco López (IPN)

Dynamical analysis of the material flow between and within economic regions

Con les Dres Andrés Vina (Michigan State University), Patricia Balvanera  (IIES unam), Alex Pfaff (Duke)